Carpet Stretching in Meridian, Idaho

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Carpet Geek 208-855-5715

Stretching carpet is an essential part of maintaining the appearance and durability of your carpet. Over time, carpet can become loose and wrinkled, which can not only make it look unsightly but also pose a tripping hazard. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the importance of stretching carpet and provide some tips for doing it effectively.

Why Stretch Carpet?

As we mentioned earlier, carpet that is loose and wrinkled can pose a tripping hazard. In addition, it can also make your carpet wear out faster. When carpet is loose, it will bunch up and create areas of high traffic, which can cause the fibers to wear down more quickly. Stretching your carpet will help to eliminate these issues, and it will also improve the appearance of your carpet.

When to Stretch Carpet

If you notice that your carpet is starting to bunch up or develop wrinkles, it’s time to stretch it. You may also want to consider stretching your carpet if you’re planning to install new carpet in your home. Stretching your carpet before the new carpet is installed will help to ensure that it lasts longer and looks better.

Tips for Stretching Carpet

If you’re planning to stretch your carpet, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, make sure that you have the right tools for the job. You’ll need a power stretcher, knee kicker, and a carpet knife. If you’re not comfortable using these tools, you may want to consider hiring a professional carpet installer to do the job for you.

Before you begin stretching your carpet, you’ll need to remove all furniture and other objects from the room. You’ll also need to vacuum the carpet thoroughly to remove any dirt or debris that could get in the way.

Next, you’ll need to use the knee kicker to stretch the carpet along the edges of the room. Make sure that you stretch the carpet evenly, and be careful not to overstretch it. Once you’ve stretched the edges of the carpet, you can use the power stretcher to stretch the rest of the carpet.


Stretching your carpet is an important part of maintaining its appearance and durability. If you notice that your carpet is loose or wrinkled, it’s time to stretch it. By following the tips we’ve provided in this blog post, you can stretch your carpet effectively and ensure that it lasts for years to come.

Carpet after Carpet Geek stretched the wrinkles out.
Carpet wrinkles before stretching

Ink spot in carpet

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This ink spot was cleverly hiding between the carpet tufts. It wasn’t noticed until we applied our pre spray and it bled into the surrounding fibers. Once this happens it can be difficult, if not impossible, to remove the ink.

An average carpet cleaning company doesn’t offer carpet repair. If this would have happened to another company, the customer would have been left with this ink stain in the middle of the room. The customer (or the carpet cleaning company) would have had to hire us to come out to repair the damaged carpet.

When you hire us, you can rest assured that we have the knowledge to handle any difficult situation that can happen while cleaning your carpet. In this instance, we simply patched the carpet and it was as good as new.

Call Carpet Geek to get the job done right.

Dog damaged carpet

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Did your pet decide to chew on the carpet? Are you now afraid that you will lose your security deposit? Are you trying to sell your home? If you live in Meridian, Idaho and you have pet damaged carpet, we can help. We have been repairing carpet for over 12 years.  We have the tools and the experience to get the job done right. Take a look at some of the carpet repairs in Eagle Idaho that we have done.

Carpet is what we specialize in and we can help you save money by repairing and cleaning it. Carpet is a big investment and if it is cared for and maintained, it will last a long time. We can take a remnant piece of carpet and use it to replace the damaged areas. If you do not have a remnant piece, we can take some from an inconspicuous place like a closet and perform the repair. If you want it done right, then give us a call.

We are your Boise carpet repair specialists!


dog damage meridian idaho


carpet patch boise idaho


carpet repair eagle idaho

Which vacuum would you recommend?

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This is a question that I hear almost every day. It’s a good question, especially after you have just gotten your carpet deep cleaned. Let’s take a look at the options and the features you will see in the vacuum aisle.

Look at your vacuum as a tool for keeping you home clean. Dirt and sand is abrasive. If it gets in your carpet and is left, it will scratch the fibers causing damage that is irreversible. It is important to remove the soil with a quality vacuum.

HEPA filter… what is that? High efficiency particulate air filter. This is a filter that removes 99.97% of particles that have a size greater than or equal to 0.3 micron. This standard is set by the US Dept of Energy. This is a must for your vacuum that you will be using in your home. It is important to remove these filters and replace them or clean them out per the manufacturer’s instructions. The vacuum I use has three filters that need to be cleaned regularly.

Never loses suction…… Since the advent of the bagless vacuum, this has become the standard for vacuums. Vacuum bags would get clogged and people would tend to not replace the as often as they should. Newer designed bagless vacuums are more powerful and they can lift more dirt out of the carpet. While it is true that it will never lose suction, it can however, lose air movement. Often something will get stuck somewhere in the vacuum and obstruct the airflow. I hear from people all the time that they bought an expensive vacuum and it worked great when they bought it, but it seems to have stopped working so good. If you notice that your vacuum isn’t filling up the canister like it used to or its making a high pitched noise and getting hot, take it apart and check for obstructions. You can also take an air compressor and blow out the hoses.

Attachments….. The different attachments that come with a vacuum are endless. I’m sure you have a bag full of attachments in the closet that you never use. There are a few staple attachments that every vacuum should have. One is a brush attachment. This will help get dust off vents, pull hair out of the couch cushions and also clean the blinds. The next is a wedge or crevice tool. This is good for getting down in the couch to get the cookie crumbs. It is also good for getting along the baseboards. Lastly, it needs to have a good stair tool. People always neglect the stairs when it comes to vacuuming. It is a pain to do, but it still needs to be done. More attachments add to the cost of the vacuum, so I don’t recommend getting one that has more than you need.

So, what do you reccomend? I personally am a huge fan of the Dyson vacuum. They are pricey, but will last forever for the average homeowner. The design is innovative and they are the reason we have the bagless vacuum today. The Dyson will need some maintenance now and then, but it is minimal. If you have a Dyson and it has stopped working like it did when you first bought it, the take it apart and clean it. It is easy to remove the hoses and inspect it for obstructions. On my carpet cleaning vans I have The Shark Navigator DLX. (Why don’t we use Dysons? We are tough on our vacuums and I don’t want to replace a $500 vacuum every three months. The Shark can be found on sale for around $130.) The DLX model has a larger dirt canister size than the regular Navigator. That is good for the amount of vacuuming we do in each house. The downside to the Shark as opposed to the Dyson is the amount of maintenance needed. I have to clean the filters a couple of times a week and I also blow it out with my air compressor. You as a normal homeowner will not need to do this as often. My vacuums can be in up to five houses a day and sometimes they see some heavy duty use.

Regular maintenance of your carpet  will make it last a long time. Call us to schedule your spring cleaning. It’s time to get the winter grime out of your carpet. We also clean tile and upholstery. 208-855-5715 carpet cleaning Meridian, Idaho

Consumer Series #1 – How to Care for Your Carpet

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Here is a great article about maintaining the carpet in your business or home. Carpet cleaning Meridian Idaho.

The clean scene blog

Soil Tracking Control

Place walk-off mats or grids at the entry points to your home or business. This will help prevent soil from being tracked from the outside onto the inside carpeting. Vacuum and/or clean these mats frequently. Once they become loaded with soil, their effectiveness is greatly reduced.


Vacuum your carpet frequently using a vacuum with a high efficiency collection bag or system. In high traffic areas, carpet manufacturers recommend you vacuum at least once or twice a week.  Vacuuming removes the sharp and abrasive soil that can cut, scratch, and abrade the fiber causing premature wear. Particulate soiling left in your carpet has sandpaper like effect on the carpet. Much of this soil is not visible to the eye. Vacuum before the carpet looks soiled. Keep your vacuum in good working condition – check the belts and change the collection bag frequently. Confused about which vacuum to…

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#TBT Throw Back Thursday

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We have been in business for almost 9 years. I’ve had the opportunity to clean some unusual homes and vehicles. One of my favorite opportunities was cleaning the Wienermobile. This iconic marketing vehicle rolled into town and I made it my mission to find it and clean the carpet in it.


It was a fun project and the crew driving the vehicle loved the fresh, clean carpet.

Carpet Geek can take care of your special carpet cleaning projects. Call today to set up an appointment.


Carpet cleaning Meridian Idaho

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The winter months can be brutal on your carpet. The snow, dirt, mud, and other elements that the winter brings can quickly wreak havoc on you carpeting investment. A good deep carpet cleaning can prevent this mess from becoming permanent damage. Call Carpet Geek to get your carpet renewed with a deep cleaning. We have the knowledge, experience, and the equipment to get the job done right!Image 

Tile cleaning Meridian, Idaho

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Tile cleaning Meridian, Idaho

If you are frustrated with your tile and grout, we can help. Grout lines can be difficult to clean. We at Carpet Geek have the knowledge and the tools to clean tile and grout. We can also seal the grout to help it stay clean longer and keep the stains out.

Tile cleaning Meridian, Idaho

New Google Plus page

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I had a good amount of reviews on Google places. I was the number one in my area and I got a lot of calls from new customers because of it. Because of a misunderstanding with Google’s policies, my account was deleted. I lost all of my reviews and I had to create a new account.

This is my new profile:

Carpet cleaning Eagle Idaho

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Rob's Ramblings

Duck Dynasty

Phil Robertson may not appreciate me writing about his business or his family.  I’m what Phil would derisively call a “yuppy.”  I don’t own camo, hunt, or have a beard.  That’s not to say I’m some granola PETA-type; I’m a devoted carnivore who loves gumbo, fried fish, and even the occasional boudin link.  Phil lives off the land and, frankly, doesn’t think very highly of the lifestyle the rest of us non-outdoorsy types choose to live.  I dwell comfortably in the suburbs buying my groceries at Kroger where the butcher kindly dresses my meat.  In some ways, Phil and I have about as much in common as Snooki and the Pope, which is why it may seem odd that I have been sucked into Phil Robertson’s world via the uber-popular Duck Dynasty reality show.

Phil’s story fascinates me.

Decades ago, Phil kicked his wife and kids out of his house…

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